Journal Insights

Aims & Scope
The Journal of Innovations in Communications and Information Systems (JICIS) aims to promote cutting-edge research in information science, computing, and digital technologies by providing a multidisciplinary platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners.  JICIS encourages the development of innovative methodologies, frameworks, and applications that enhance information processing, security, and management. Furthermore, the journal is committed to contributing to the advancement of sustainable and ethical technology solutions, ensuring that technological progress aligns with societal needs in the digital era.

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ISSN: xxxx-xxxx (Print); xxxx-xxxx (Online)

Frequency: Half Yearly

Subject Areas
Library Science, Information Science, Information Technologies

Abstracting and indexing
JICIS is indexed in J-Gate, Google Scholar, Scilit, CrossRef and WorldCat.

Article publishing charge
Open Access Publication Fee (APC)     Indian Authors: Rs. 3000/-  Foreign Authors: $50.

This journal provides authors with the opportunity to publish their research through open access. To make an article open access, the author or the funding body is required to cover the publication fee (APC).